One of my good friend Fabrice Pasquier was
helping me a lot while testing and installing JBoss in Linux
Ubuntu is one of best breed from Linux family, its simple but very powerful.
You can install Ubuntu as a separate OS or as a dual OS with windows OS.
Some useful commands
- ls- all :: lists files/folder with access details
- chmod a+x <filename> :: helps to execute the files with
extensions like .sh, .rpm .bin etc., - ./ -s :: helps to shutdown jboss from where its started.
- ps – A :: shows a snapshots of current processes
- ps -A | grep bash :: shows processes started using bash
- ps – A Top
- ps – A U username
- kill -9 <PID number> :: kill the particular process whose PID
can be found using ps -A - env :: shows the environment variables of the system
- env | grep path :: shows the PATH environment variable alone
- $PATH :: shows the path variable
- Ctrl + z :: pressing this will help you get the command prompt from
a running process, just after this type bg and move the process to
run in background. - Ctrl + Atl + Backspace key :: restarts the graphical interface of the
current user. - sudo mv <original location> <new location> , move
files/folders - less /etc/profile :: similar to more or type command, but this lets
you also edit the file upon pressing hot keys - ln -S :: creates a symbolic link of the file.
- which <filename> :: find and displays the filename location,
escp for executable file - find / -name "mozilla" :: find and displays where
the file/folder mozilla is located - smbclient and samba server helps for networking with windows drives
- webmin and webmin-mysql helps to admin the system via web
interface - /etc/init.d/webmin start :: starts/restarts webmin
- gedit :: will open simple text editor
- gnome-terminal will open command window
- sudo xterm passwd :: will open x-terminal window for root user
- alien <-rpm file> :: alien -i <-rpm file>
:: will helps to unpack and install rpm based files in debian system - rm :: remove file
- rmdir :: remove directory
- mv :: move file
- cp :: copy file
- gphoto
- df
- du -s < file/directory name> will list the file/directory size in kb,mb format
- alias
- env :: displays the enviroment and syatem variable settings
- export $PATH=$PATH:… sets paths
- chgrp :: change file/folder group
- chusr :: chnage file/folder user
- cat /proc/meminfo– to tell what memory used by processes
- free– show free memory
- watch “ls -al” monitors the current folder
- watch “du -s” monitors current folder byte size
- scp <filename> username@servername:directory location
- rsync Synchronize one folder to another across network
- tar – tar archive tool
- touch – update the file properties with current date and time
- mysqldump -u username -p UNeMED_dbo generates sql scripts, mysql script /home/balaji/somefile.sql
makes SSL copy
To install JRE in firefox, try to find the jre plugin file under the jdk/jre
folder and make a symbolic to it inside the firefox directory…
////////////////************ Draft document, yet to finish fully
By the way, if you like ubuntu linux, you will like this pic 😉
Installing mysql in Ubuntu
apt-get install mysql-server
then execute mysql_install_db
then create the root user as
mysqladmin -r root password ‘new password’
A detailed info can be found at
rc0- Halt, rc1- Single user, rc2 – Basic network, rc5 – graphics, rc6- reboot.
how to set the jdk and jboss path in linux and how to run the application in linux console
To set jdk path, first try to locate where the jsdk is installed in your PC then use the export command.
For example
export $PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/jdk1.5/bin
To run the application in linux console, click Application -> Accessories ->Terminal or press the hotkey F1 or F2 or F3
I dont know what you mean by jboss path.
For any further questions please consult jboss user group or Javaranch Saloon.
Also please read the topic How to ask questions Missing required file: Dinesh/DownLoads/server/jboss-4.0.4.GA/bin/run.jar
Steps For Run The JBOSS4.0.4 Application Server
1.export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0.06
2.export Path=%JAVA_HOME%bin:%Path%;
3.export JBOSS_HOME=/root/Dinesh/DownLoads/server/jboss-4.0.4.GA
thses are rhe steps i followed now server run
but how to deploy the jsp in that server
i need that steps
nmap localhost
provides list of services provided by the linux machine,
free -m shows memory used.
top shows live CPU memory usage.
To open “File browser” with root permission
Press Alt-F2 and type gksudo nautilus
Samba server is located at etcinit.d
then use .samba start
du – h -max_depth=1 varlibmysql
The first $ is wrong in
“export $PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/jdk1.5/bin”
this should be:
“export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/jdk1.5/bin”
Hi all,
I need help on something. Does anybody knows how to run a .sql file on ubuntu? Thanks!
If you’re using MySQL, then use: is the name of a file in the current directory from which user has logged into MySQL.
To create a symbolic link use this
sudo ln -s /opt/java/jdk1.5.0_10/jre/plugin/i386/ns7-gcc29/
Firefox plugins were installed at /usr/lib/firefox/plugins directory or /usr/lib/mozila/plugins