Amazon has a service named KMS, Which is used to manage your keys, These keys can be used to encrypt/decrypt data encryption keys used... These days almost all web applications uses loads of JavaScripts (like jQuery, AngularJS and so on) and its becoming challenging to maintain the its... I recently faced a situation where I needed to capture a part of a HTML page and embed it in a PDF file. I... Recently I faced an issue with circle CI related to “Checkout using deploy key”. Initially It was working fine, at one point, I deleted... Generating pdf is a common requirement in web applications, mostly to download reports. Users would like to download their data as pdf or excel... Recently I came across Ionic Framework, which is really good and has got very nice UI components and integration with angular framework, thought of... Debugging your Hybrid Mobile application has now become very simple, I use cordova for building Mobile applications, use to test the application in the... Ruby IRB like Rhodes Console for Mobile Apps Just created a rhodes console which I found very useful while we develop smart phone applications...