
How we handle a new RFP: A quick walkthrough

Why do we require an RFP document? For those who aren’t aware of what an RFP stands for, it is called Request For Proposal....
2 min read

In-house Development Vs. Development Outsourcing, which is more viable…

“In-house Development Vs. Development Outsourcing, which is more viable for your company?” This has been a question that has always been on the mind...
Prabhu M
2 min read

Providing an easier way to access your mobile device.

The reason any application is made is that there is a need to resolve a certain problem. The problem that is resolved can be...
Syed Irfaan
1 min read

Feature Matching with OpenCV

What is Object Detection? Object detection is a Computer Vision (CV) Technique in which a software system can detect, locate, and trace the object...
Abusheik A
2 min read

Component Interactions in React JS using various approaches

In any Single Page Application (SPA) that is built using JavaScript libraries or frameworks, there’s a need for the components to communicate with the...
Vijay B
3 min read

Games that help you grow mentally!

Usually, we see games that entertain an audience and sometimes we see games that are weirdly satisfying like those involving delicate touch and constant...
2 min read

Fixed Price Project Vs Time & Material: What’s the…

Some projects may take longer than expected while others can lack material which in this aspect can be seen as lacking quality and a...
Prabhu M
2 min read

Live streaming, the start of a New Era

Remember the good old days when there used to be a simple television at home where siblings would fight at home for the remote,...
Syed Irfaan
1 min read

Online Bidding Platforms to make bidding easy!

Bidding has always been something that people frequently follow. It has become so popular that certain shows have been made keeping the kind of genre-based...
Syed Irfaan
1 min read

Attending a sports meet made easier!

Have you ever regretted that one sport meets you missed because you didn’t know where it was held? Or you didn’t know what event...
Syed Irfaan
1 min read

Finance Management Application: Major features & popular products

It’s not a rarity that we see people blowing money over unreasonable things and apart from that, it’s not abnormal that employees or certain...
Prabhu M
1 min read

Mobile Automation using Katalon Studio

Previously in a blog that listed out the top 3 No code Automation testing Tools, I have taken the highest-ranked one and have decided...
Kishore R
2 min read