rhodes (Demo)
When we ship a mobile app for our clients, we always follow the practice of displaying the version number in it. With RhoMobile development,... We successfully managed to build Windows Mobile 6.5.3 apps using RhoMobile 4.0.0.beta.28 suite. Here is what I found on my way. Recently I working on an app project which involves uploading and transferring images from smartphones to Web and vice-versa. My stack was Rhodes, RhoConnect,... From past one year, I have been working on cross-platform mobile frameworks. Thought I would share my point of views in it. Today Mobiles... Encoding Image to base64 string Rhodes comes with base64 library which helps to convert image to base64 string. Lets see how. We successfully integrated Stripe based Credit card payment in a Rhodes App for iPhone and Android. Stripe is really cool and made our life... Ruby IRB like Rhodes Console for Mobile Apps Just created a rhodes console which I found very useful while we develop smart phone applications... Here are the top 5 visited blogs on RhoMobile published by Spritle’s staff. Stats based pixelstats analysis plugin. Thought I would share a sample RhoMobile (for iPhone and Android) app that consumes a remote RoR based RESTful services.It can handle Create, Read,... RhoConnect uses Thin Ruby server, so the simple way to run it on two different ports is bundle exec thin start -e development -p... Potential errors you may face when you run Rhodes application with XCode 4.3.2 and possible solutions for it. Recently I tried Rhodes MapView in a sample application. While using rhodes we have situations to use native Maps application that is installed in...