Hello, everyone! This is my first blog, I hope you all enjoy it. After all, engineers are great problem solvers, right? We are expected... Usually, we see games that entertain an audience and sometimes we see games that are weirdly satisfying like those involving delicate touch and constant... While we can always choose things for ourselves it’s not beyond someone to help us choose what’s best for us because there are times... Well, the top five trends do sound like a meager number when compared to the vast number of innovations that are taking the world... The current era we live in is constantly evolving and newer inventions are being created every day but this does not mean that it... The study of genes is but a mystery to man, who created them? Why do they exist? And what purpose do they serve? While... Google Voice is supported by multiple different languages but that being said some things may occur once in a while that could make you... Navigate the Future of Hospitals with Conversational AI To start with first, let us all know what actually Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is. You... Hospitals have always been evolving and changing. This has been going on for quite some time now as we’ve got way more advanced methods... Back in the day, there used to be only a few different ways we could acquire certain services and some of them took quite... No matter how much you know about the medical field, as a Healthcare Professional, you must always consider what comes next. In other words,... Hello, everyone, I know you were looking forward to my next blog post, so here it is with the next interesting topic. Our blog...