Run RhoMobile Apps With XCode 4.3.2

Balaji D Loganathan

46 sec read

Potential errors you may face when you run Rhodes application with XCode 4.3.2 and possible solutions for it. Potential errors and solutions:
  1. ERROR: invalid SDK in BUILD.YML ! iphonesimulator5.0 is NOT installed on this computer !
    Suggestion: XCode 4.3.2 comes with iphonesimulator5.1 In build.yml change it like sdk: iphonesimulator5.1 Another good option is to install missing simulator via XCode-> Preferences -> Select Downloads tab and then install iOS 5.0 Simulator
  2. …/gems/rhodes-3.3.2/lib/build/jake.rb:297: command not found: /Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild -version -sdk iphonesimulator5.1
    Suggestion: Older version of Rhodes iPhone rake tasks uses /Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild path instead of /Applications/ See the file [/platform/iphone/rbuild/iphone.rake] code “task :iphone” at line (around) 474. In your local gem installation change it to the path where actual xcodebuild is installed. You can use “which xcodebuild” to find the path.
  3. 0560b000 APP| App error: Expected argument 2 of type int, but got Fixnum 0 in SWIG method ‘set_view_notification’
    Temporary suggestion by Rhodes team: Set the scheme “rhorunner” to use Release instead of Debug. See the screenshot.
  4. I have both XCode 4.2 and XCode4.3.2 but can’t get XCode 4.3.2 is not working with Rhodes
    Suggestion: You can use xcode-switch to select the xcodebuild that you want to use or modify the iphone.rake accordingly.
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2 Replies to “Run RhoMobile Apps With XCode 4.3.2”

  1. Hi,
    I am using Rhodes 5.0.2 and when I try to run Iphone simulator with “rake run:iphone”, build is OK but the Iphone simulator is not starting with the following error :
    dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/iPhoneSimulatorRemoteClient.framework/Versions/A/iPhoneSimulatorRemoteClient
    Referenced from: /Users/thierry/.rbenv/versions/2.1.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/rhodes-5.0.2/res/build-tools/iphonesim/build/Release/iphonesim_43
    Reason: image not found
    stop waiting – application started
    application is started in Simulator
    Any idea ?

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