New features in Rails 3.2

Rails 3.2 was released with lot of amazing changes. I recently read about new features which provides better and new tags, faster reloading in...
Dhepthi L Narasimhan
1 min read

Github with coderwall Application in Rhomobile

I recently tried to integrate github and coderwall in rhomobile application. Using github oauth we can authenticate user and show the following details of...
1 min read

New Amazing features in Ruby 1.9.3

Ruby is one of the dynamic object oriented programming language. Ruby 1.9 has been released with lot of amazing features. Ruby 1.9.3 is the...
Dhepthi L Narasimhan
2 min read

Run HighCharts in RhoMobile (iPhone, iPad and Android)

I like HighCharts and used it for one of our project. I wanted to use HighCharts in Rhomobile mobile applications and thought I would...
Vinothini B
1 min read

Configure Awstats Apache Params to Show Valid URI in…

Here is the quick tip to configure awstats in Typo3. This will enable Top 25 section to show valid URI. In general it will...
Sivakumar V
17 sec read

Scrollable Content with Fixed Header and Footer – Rhomobile…

While using Rhomobile, often you might want to create an app that would have scrollable content with fixed header and footer, horizontally scrollable content,...
Vinothini B
40 sec read

Facebook Application with Rails

I tried to integrate ruby on rails app in Facebook. Developing facebook app is quite easy to with rails and Javascript sdk. The documentation...
Dhepthi L Narasimhan
38 sec read

Push Notifications in Rhodes using Ruby

I tried Push notifications concept in Rhodes using Rhoconnect and its works well. The documentation for the same is also nice. For one of...
Surendran Sukumaran
1 min read

Rhodes 3.3.x Supports Motorola Rhoelements and Android ET1

Rhodes team recently released 3.3.1 version which got support for RhoElements (Motorola Windows Mobile sdk with device specific features) and also for Android ET1.
Sivakumar V
34 sec read

Consume SOAP Service from RhoMobile (iPhone, Android, WM and…

We wanted to consume simple SOAP based web services from the iPhone, Android applications using RhoMobile framework. We dont want to use Savon as...
Balaji D Loganathan
50 sec read

Ruby Tips 11: Install mysql gem on Mac OS…

brew install mysql Is you have installed mysql server already and have a failed mysql gem, then remove the mysql server first ...
Balaji D Loganathan
21 sec read

Rails Application with Authentication and Authorization

This is a small blog about applying authorization to an application and how to write unit,functional and integration tests for the application in the...
Vamsi Krishna
1 min read