Emerging Big Data in Enterprise Mobile Applications

The new Smart phone era has changed the way people live, smart phones were not just used as an instrument to communicate but also...
Surendran Sukumaran
2 min read

Tip: Curl JSON Output formatting

If you use curl http://www.changebadtogood.com/api/v1/get_recent_issues | python -mjson.tool you will see fantastic formatting of json result. Let’s see the “before” and “after” effects.
Neelkanth Ram
1 min read

Simple Tip for GitHub, Gems

GIT: To list the remote repo a git repo is pointing Try git remote -v or git remote show origin GEM: gem list rhodes...
Neelkanth Ram
6 sec read

Capitalize All the Text in HTML Table using jQuery.

This is my first plugin in Jquery, It is a small and simple plugin which Capitalize all the text inside a table. The plugin...
Surendran Sukumaran
7 sec read

Create Typo3 Restricted Pages

Lets see how we can create Restricted pages using Typo3
Sivakumar V
47 sec read

Comparing GoogleMap and Mapquest Integration on Android

There are many blogs around the web for android and MapQuest implementation, here I am trying to summarize the benefits and drawback of them.
Sivakumar V
2 min read

Comparision of Cross-Platform Mobile Frameworks

From past one year, I have been working on cross-platform mobile frameworks. Thought I would share my point of views in it. Today Mobiles...
1 min read

Mobile applications: Native vs. Web apps

Here is Part-I of my experience in developing mobile applications.
Vinothini B
1 min read

Upgrade Rails 2 application to Rails 3

Last month, I spent most of time upgrading a beautiful application from Rails 2 to Rails. It was such a wonderful experience and I...
Prabu D
3 min read

Tools Supporting Responsive Designs

Responsive design is an approach for providing a single web codebase for multiple devices like desktop, tablets and smartphones (and sometimes mobile phones). There...
Rajeswari K
2 min read

Continuous Integration in Rails with Jenkins

Jenkins is an open-source Continuous Integration tool and it is easy to integrate in Rails project. A CI package will run automated tests on...
Rajeswari K
1 min read

Encode/DeCode Image to base64 in RhoMobile Apps

Encoding Image to base64 string Rhodes comes with base64 library which helps to convert image to base64 string. Lets see how.
Sivakumar V
46 sec read