Multiple sidekiq daemon conflict

I am using sidekiq to run a background job. Sidekiq uses Redis to store all of its job and operational data. Recently I faced...
Prabu D
1 min read

Monitor Sidekiq up or down with Shell Script

Here is one simple shell script to check whether sidekiq process is running or not and then restart it. I am sure many of...
Sivakumar V
1 min read

Convert HTML to PDF in Ruby on Rails Applications…

This blog is continuation of Convert HTML to PDF in Ruby on Rails Applications – Part-1 Bootstrap css load We used bootstrap css for...
Siva KB
1 min read

Show an Alert in iOS 10-Swift 3.0 After Making…

Recently we were developing a simple iOS 10 app to send/receive data to a RESTFul API. All we wanted to do was, simple make...
Sathyapriya S
54 sec read

Is Web Analytics Oversold ?

Web Analytics is a universal term, which deals with the study of the impact of a website based on its users. It is the...
Ashwin Sundarabaskar
1 min read

Eliminate Your Fears and Become an iOS Programmer

When did you know it was technology all along? Why Software Development? I started having an obsession with technology since childhood as it felt...
Spritle Bot
1 min read

Speaking at Ruby meetups – a way of giving…

Speaking at meetups is a great way of giving back to the community and so we always encourage our mates at Spritle to be...
Spritle Bot
1 min read

Rails 5 — ActiveRecord Suppress — a step too far?

One of the new additions to ActiveRecord that’s gonna be coming out with the Rails 5 release is the ActiveRecord::Base.suppress method. I have some...
Steve Robinson
7 min read

Integrate Google Ads in Apache Cordova Mobile Apps

I have recently implemented Google Ads for Mobile Application using AdMob by Google in cordova. Google gives nice doc about Google Ads implementations. I...
Praveen Kumar
1 min read

Why I left Big Corporates and Joined Spritle

When did you know it was technology all along? Why Software Development? My interest in software development started when I wrote small programs to...
Spritle Bot
1 min read

Things I learned in VodQA- Spot for QA –…

I got an opportunity to participate in VodQA meetup conducted by Thoughtworks, Chennai on June 23, 2016. It was a meetup meant for QA...
Ashwin Sundarabaskar
1 min read

Fun begins here, Spritle Merry-making

Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first. – Simon Sinek Spritle has taken this seriously and we act accordingly. After all a healthy...
Preethi KR
1 min read