Remember the good old days when there used to be a simple television at home where siblings would fight at home for the remote, grandparents would sit and watch boring, dram-filled serials, the adults watch live news to see what is currently trending, and the housewives watch those cooking shows.
That’s all long gone, now there has been a good deal of change because of the involvement of a factor called the internet which in turn has made applications such as YouTube, Twitch, and Steam dominate the viewing platforms.
The way it works,
To live-stream, one has to have these 3 requirements as a mandate: a camera, internet, and a viewing screen. With the help of these three, one can do live streaming.
The way this works is by using the camera to show yourself what you are doing, the idea behind streaming is to give people a live view of the various things that you do. Live streaming can also be used to view a certain conference without being present there or at a certain meeting. Live streaming can also be used as a medium to reach out to a larger audience when compared to other methods.
The benefits of using Live Streaming:
- With the help of live streaming, the possibility of reaching a wider audience can be made possible, and also one can watch it in real-time instead of having it downloaded or saved.
- Gamers make money via live streaming hence this can also be a proven method to improve unemployment issues.
- It does not need a lot of equipment unlike other kinds of viewing platforms where one requires a wide array of equipment to shoot something simple.
- Live streaming is quite flexible as it can be done from any place at any time and does not have any transport restrictions.
- A live streaming platform does not charge much when compared to other platforms hence allowing a better percentage of gains.
The drawbacks of using live streaming
- Although live streaming can be done to a wider audience, there might be a good deal of people who don’t have access so they will not be able to view what is being streamed.
- Certain live streams can be seen only once which means that they cannot be downloaded or saved. Hence making it harder for people to look at it or see it again.
- Live streaming might be quite appealing to the modern and younger generation family members however it is not the same case with the older ones.
- Streaming while it can be done life does not necessarily have the same quality as the videos that are pre-shot and pre-recorded as more care and effort is put into them.
So in fair consideration and after evaluating the points about the drawbacks & balance of the benefits, we can conclude that the implementation of Live streaming can be a boon or a ban depending on how it is used.