“In-house Development Vs. Development Outsourcing, which is more viable for your company?” This has been a question that has always been on the mind of Business people for a long time but then here comes the question as to why this and not that.
There are multiple reasons to choose the former method over the latter, but before getting into the discussion, some things must be clarified.
The idea of these two choices is that while it cuts cost it also affects the quality and on the other side it affects the parallel companies that depend on outsourcing.
In-house development in the right corner:
- The good thing about developing the software in-house is that the quality control can be kept in check while at the same time being able to maintain and look over them as to what is going on.
- Apart from this, the developers can stick to the process and not get deviated because there is an internal & known supervisor to look over the tasks.
- This is also quite cost-efficient because the company does not have to pay other vendors who would most certainly charge a significant amount for the solution that was outsourced.
- Then comes the line of follow-ups and a stream of confused half informative draggy meetings that take the joy out of developing making you feel that in-house is far better.
- Well, apart from the fact that it takes a fair amount of time for people to assess the nature of a company and the cultural outlook before completely concluding as to how the solution should be developed.
- Doing it in-house makes that process way more streamlined as fellow employees would already know how the functions or/ and how the processes take place.
Outsourcing in the left corner:
- Outsourcing is quite effective even though there is a set fee that needs to be paid for the development of the solution.
- An obvious fact is that they have enough experience in the field of development and they are quite versatile and flexible.
- The talent pool when compared to in-house is quite big given that outsourcing would allow people from all over the world or even different walks of life to contribute to the solution in their way which would help by allowing room for the answer to growing and enabling the versatility.
- Outsourcing the solution has a fixed date of delivery which means it would be completed and the given period without any issues.
- This being done in-house would be complicated given that the developers would already have their tasks in hand making it hard to deliver their solution at the required time making it a lengthy and time-consuming process.
With that being said and done…
With all these factors being put to light it does not mean that they do have their fair share of disadvantages, it only means that in certain cases one may overwhelm the other. Neither is better than the other as the needs and resources may vary from one requirement to another.
Simply say, each project has to be dealt with in a way that suits the requirement brought in by the client.
So consider that a fortune 500 company would rather outsource than do it in-house to avoid extra workload. Whereas a start-up would rather do it in-house to keep the expenses in check and spend wherever necessary hence justifying both of them.
So there you have it, neither has the upper hand nor is someone at a loss because the necessities and the needs vary so this duel ends with a draw!
Hope this blog would have given an answer to your long-time question about which method of development to choose for your client’s requirements.