Spritle Blog

How Freshworks spoiled my sleep in the name of…

Ever been to some boring classroom seminars/ lectures/ conferences? There is this one guy who just sleeps in the corner peacefully irrespective of whatsoever...
3 min read

Meet the Wonder Women in Tech @Spritle

Yeah, we don’t get to appreciate enough, the contribution of a particular gender in the tech community. Many corporates globally have made strides over...
9 min read

Fix for TZInfo::DataSourceNotFound: GitLab Omnibus

If you face the below error when running gitlab-ctl reconfigure The solution is to run the below command and rerun gitlab-ctl reconfigure apt-get update...
Neelkanth Ram
1 min read

How to set Timezone in Ubuntu server

Run the command You will see the below screen to pick and choose the timezone for your server.
Neelkanth Ram
5 sec read

Querying JSON with PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL provide powerful operator and methods to process JSON data. I have taken mock data to explore different operators and methods. Before proceed make...
Sivakumar V
3 min read

An Introduction to Machine Learning Theory

Machine Learning (ML) is coming into its own, with a growing recognition that ML can play a key role in a wide range of...
Bala Venkatesh
1 min read