Spritle Blog

Easy Way To Backup SnipeIt To AWS S3

SnipeIt? What is that? SnipeIt is an open-source asset management system using which you can manage your organization’s assets. You can get more detail...
Ragav G
1 min read

How To Reduce Your ReactNative Android App Size

A recent announcement from Android made us update our app support x64 architecture. This results in the fat app. Big in size approx. from...
Sathyapriya S
1 min read

How to Build a Multi-tenant application with Django Rest…

First, let us see what is the Multi-tenant Application??? Multi–tenancy is an architecture in which a single instance of a software application serves multiple...
Bala Venkatesh
2 min read

How I met Hashicorp’s Consul and what it has…

While going through Consul I found some interesting features which make Consul differ from other services. I wanted to share this with my colleagues...
Venkatesh S
1 min read

How To Fix `pg_dump: aborting because of server version…

If you face the error pg_dump: server version: 11.6 (Debian 11.6-1.pgdg90+1); pg_dump version: 10.10 (Ubuntu 10.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1) and pg_dump: aborting because of server version mismatch,...
Tejaswini Polaka
24 sec read

How WebPacker and Rails 6 Tortured Me and how…

One fine day when I was having a chit chat with my colleagues in the cafeteria, I received the email notification which I was...
Siva G
3 min read

Problem Solving #1: No Loops Allowed!

How do you write from 100 to 1 without using loops? – HS (via slack) Before you read on – think for a minute,...
Siddharth Isaiah
2 min read

Face detection & recognition using OpenCV (ML)

I hope you reached this article since you are interested in learning what is openCV, Face detection, Face recognition. Yes, you are in the...
karthick Nagarajan
3 min read

A Much Better Way To Backup GitLab to AWS…

Like many of you, we also use the self-hosted version of GitLab CE and it is one of the BEST open source software written...
Balaji D Loganathan
54 sec read

How to Detect Objects using Tensor Flow Machine Learning

Here is one interesting use-case for Machine Learning and Tensor Flow. I am going to tell you how to identify hardware objects using TensorFlow....
Bala Venkatesh
2 min read

How To Make Docker Work On Fedora OS 31…

My friends think me I use Ubuntu but predominantly I use Fedora. Noting Fedora 31 is released, I quickly upgraded from 30 to 31....
Sivakumar V
52 sec read

330rd Session: Face Detection Using OpenCV. #spriteXchange

Face ID, Face Detection, Face Unlock - These are the most discussed and controversial topics in the Neural Networks field. Even Google struggling with...
Balaji D Loganathan
44 sec read