Spritle Blog

Live graph using CorePlot in iOS

Graph visualization is the prettiest thing when your work involves with more data. It is a better and perfect solution when you have hard-time...
Prabakaran Marimuthu
3 min read

My first ever FreshHuddle

As a blessing in disguise, we are able to make our extended presence with family and devote quality time in this outbreak.  I appreciate...
Dhivya M
3 min read

2D Multi-Person Pose Estimation using Part Affinity Fields in…

Pose Estimation Hello everyone, did you ever wonder while working out or playing sports if you’re doing it the right way? if this is...
6 min read

Simple Way to Integrate Arduino with LCD Display

Internet of Things You might have heard about this topic almost everywhere. Yes, of course, It is one of the famous technology in the...
karthick Nagarajan
1 min read

How Spritle manage and survive the pandemic

I hope everyone is safe during this worst unexpected pandemic situation.Hearing the problem of the COVID-19, many companies started shutting down their office asking...
Surendran Sukumaran
1 min read

It’s nostalgia moments at Spritle’s soft skills club

In today’s LifeStyle, we are running behind Technology and the necessity of humans to live in the World. Now, it’s time for us to...
Keerthana M
2 min read

Sachin, MS Dhoni, Virat Kohli visited our Spritle’s soft…

Hey Guys! I hope the title makes you keen on reading this blog. Of course, I know everybody wants to meet CRICKET’S God Fathers’...
Dhivya M
1 min read

It’s Earthquake at Spritle’s Soft-Skill Club

Hey guys !!! Another week came with another meeting at Spritle’s soft-skill club. After two interesting topics Time Travel and Christmas, this week Team...
1 min read

Ten Things I have learned while developing an app…

Introduction: Zoho Desk is web-based help desk software that gives us the ability to manage our customer support activities efficiently. Zoho Desk allows us...
Venkatesh S
4 min read

Learn how Metabase can make your data more beautiful

At Spritle, we conduct knowledge sharing sessions every Friday. It was my turn and one of my colleagues suggested I present Metabase(a Business Intelligence...
Thirumal S
2 min read

Warning: Amazing Freshworks marketplace apps will make your jaw-drop

Heck! Yes, it happened. I have fallen for the gorgeous apps we built for Freshworks marketplace made me compose this blog. We have created...
Dhivya M
4 min read

Christmas Time at Spritle’s Soft skill club

After our exciting topic about time travel, this week the roles and responsibilities of teams were outlined towards Christmas. Team B picked up the...
Rajeswari K
44 sec read