
How to show loading message for AJAX applications?

A simple tip to show a loading message for AJAX oriented application. Simply a wait screen.
Balaji D Loganathan
39 sec read

Calling Apache FOP from VB.NET

The code for my earlier post on this topic.
Balaji D Loganathan
26 sec read

Some good front-end tools for xml based applications

Readymade tools for xml document exchange
Balaji D Loganathan
42 sec read

RSS to google sitemap.xml conveter – using xslt

XSLT based pebble rss to google sitemap format converter.
Balaji D Loganathan
1 min read

How SOAP Request with HTTP authentication will look like…

A simple screen shot showing SOAP Request with HTTP basic authentication, invoked from Java Servlet.
Balaji D Loganathan
1 min read

Simple ways to protect your email id from spam

Using javascript to protect your email id from spammers.
Balaji D Loganathan
1 min read

Could not create task or type of type: junit

Error: Could not create task or type of type: junit.
Simply add junit.jar to your system classpath.
Balaji D Loganathan
1 min read

Book review: 'Google Web Toolkit Solutions: Cool & Useful…

Book review: 'Google Web Toolkit Solutions: Cool & Useful Stuff'
Balaji D Loganathan
44 sec read

Book review: Agile Java™ Development With Spring, Hibernate and…

Book review: Agile Java™ Development With Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse
Balaji D Loganathan
45 sec read

Get IP address of webservices client – Apache Axis…

A small code snippet to get the ip address of the webservices client invoking Apache ...........
Balaji D Loganathan
27 sec read

On-demand validation using XHR

The idea is to validate the username/password as soon as the user enters the data into the form input field of the browser.
Balaji D Loganathan
21 sec read

The project location is not fully trusted by .NET

While using MS Infopath 2003 with VS.NET 2003...
Balaji D Loganathan
32 sec read