Vinothini B

9 Stories by Vinothini B
For a very long time, we have been using Git as a code version controller in Spritle Software. Recently, I came across a Git... Recently we deployed one of our applications to production and while precompiling the assets we got the error – rake aborted! Sass::SyntaxError: Invalid CSS... I started using AngularJS extensively on my projects and recently started using it on our Apache Cordova projects well. Let me tell how to... In this blog we are going to see how to integrate rollbar with rails application. What is Rollbar: Rollbar helps to take control of... I would like to discuss about full calendar gem in this blog. FullCalendar is a fantastic jQuery plugin that gives you an event calendar... I would like to discuss some of the new features of the new Rails 4.2 in this blog. ActiveJob, ActionMailer #deliver_later, AdequateRecord, Web Console... Here is Part-I of my experience in developing mobile applications. I like HighCharts and used it for one of our project. I wanted to use HighCharts in Rhomobile mobile applications and thought I would... While using Rhomobile, often you might want to create an app that would have scrollable content with fixed header and footer, horizontally scrollable content,...