
19 Stories by Allan

Internationalization in Typo3

This is my first blog and I am also learning Typo3. I would like to explain how to add Internationalization support in Typo3. The...
2 1 min read

Graphical representation of data using HighCharts.

In the recent railscasts, Ryan Bates has shown us the usage of Highcharts and some other open-source client-side JavaScript libraries to generate beautiful charts...
0 1 min read

Credit Card Payments using ActiveMerchant and

If you want to integrate Credit Card Payments for a web-applications, check out this blog on working with ActiveMerchant and payment gateways.
1 56 sec read

Ruby(RoR) Tip3: Send and Receive JSON

Making a JSON request using jQuery can be sent to a controller in two ways.
0 40 sec read

Ruby: Calling Methods in a Module Directly.

Private methods cannot be called directly. If you intend to call a method in a module with the same namespace then module_function () is...
0 38 sec read

Quick Snap of Popular Ruby/RoR Blogs – an Extn of Draggable_app – I

We recently published a blog on Drag-n-Drop Web Components using jQuery & Rails. Now we have extended it to dynamically load blogs and tweets...
0 59 sec read

Record not found – A simple way to handle it.

Here is a simple tip to handle Record not found exception. I found many programmers uses code like if User.find(33) then do something. If...
2 39 sec read