74 Stories by Balaji D Loganathan
A simple screen shot showing SOAP Request with HTTP basic authentication, invoked from Java Servlet. Using javascript to protect your email id from spammers. I had an opportunity to work as a "Scrum Master" (SM) on one of my last few projects. It was lot of fun... Error: Could not create task or type of type: junit.
Simply add junit.jar to your system classpath. A small code snippet to get the ip address of the webservices client invoking Apache ........... The idea is to validate the username/password as soon as the user enters the data into the form input field of the browser. I am trying to use Jfreechart in .NET and I need someone to help me to get ride of issue.
If you have some free... While developing and testing the Java EE web applications, people often needs a way to immediately web-view the changes that they have made in... A short review on Appfuse 2.0 from a developer perspective. On 8th March, the Saturday Xebia India is organizing "Agile NCR 2008 Conference" hosted by Ansal Institute of Technology in Gurgaon, India. Its... A brief comparision between Apache FOP and iText, especially when to use it for a Java based project. I have also included a small... A short note about J2EE with Adobe LiveCycle.