Airport management is a dynamic and complex process that needs the contribution and insights of all the airport maintenance teams. So, tracking recent advancements in Airport Management Systems will be useful for a far-and-wide hustling place like an airport.
From determining operational efficiency to customer experience Building Management Sytems for airports are revolutionary. So, in this blog post, let’s explore how Integrated Building Management Systems can change energy usage and the overall management of maintenance tasks.
While this is the core objective of sharing this blog, we will also look into how these systems can help us troubleshoot common issues with an all-in-one platform.
Recent Picture of Airport Management:
How Does the Maintenance Team Work Today?
For facility managers and maintenance teams in the aviation industry, it’s common to go through a hectic day filled with several maintenance tasks and security enhancement processes. From being ready to handle flight delays to delivering seamless, hassle-free customer service for passengers, airport maintenance is a huge segment. So, how can Integrated Building Management Systems change this scenario? Keep reading to find your answers!
Integrated Building Management Systems for Airports is a highly customizable solution that can bring automation and Intelligent analytics to the airport workforce. They aim to make every maintenance task simplistic and seamless. Covering consolidation of data inputs from IoT sensors, automating tedious tasks, fault ticket management, and more, an IBMS could change how you manage your airport operations.
That said, it’s no wonder that recent statistics point out that implementing a Building Management System can conserve 30% of energy! So, is energy wastage the only challenge in Airport maintenance?
Well, though energy management is one of the most challenging segments of airport maintenance, some of the other challenges in curating an airport are as follows:
- Consolidating all the sub-systems and outsourced facility management portals into a single platform.
- Automating the repetitive maintenance tasks that chuck out life out of maintenance teams.
- Getting constant updates on rainfall and weather to stay prepared for flight delays.
- Keeping all the internal teams connected and well-informed about their maintenance tasks.
- Resolving fault tickets as quickly as possible.
- Enabling predictive maintenance to all the runways, terminals, and other areas of an airport.
- Enhancing the inspection of all the nooks and corners through more insightful security checks, etc.,
So, let’s find out how Building Management Systems can help us here.
Integrated Building Management System for Airports
Integrated Building management system establishes an unbreakable and secure network with all the IoT sensors and monitoring systems of your building. It comprehensively monitors every area of your airport and helps your maintenance team to keep an eye on everything with a consolidated view of the airport. That said, some of the perks of implementing a Building Management System in an airport are:
Data-Consolidation From Various IoT Sensors
Currently, it’s a well-known fact that inefficiency in collecting data from various IoT sensors is one of the most impactful reasons for poor operational performance in many airports. However, an aggregated Building Management system rectifies this situation and unveils insightful data for the maintenance team to leverage. From collecting data to representing them in a way it empowers the team to make quick decisions and amendments, it paints a whole new picture for airport facilities management.
Energy Management
Powering an airport requires lots of energy and often makes up most of the expenditure. An Integrated building management portal tracks all the HVAC systems and other potential areas where energy could get wasted and brings data about them. It reduces energy wastage, enforces AI-based monitoring strategies, and brings a sustainable approach to energy efficiency.
Simplified Integration
Airport maintenance always comes with integration challenges. If choosing an appropriate BMS solution for your airport is one side of the coin, then keeping the integration steps in its implementation process simplistic is another side. That said, a potential BMS solution simplifies the integration steps and binds all your HVAC systems, IoT sensors, BAS(Building Automation Systems), and other sub-systems together. Therefore, it makes the task of monitoring all these portals easy!
Centralized Dashboard
As mentioned earlier in this post, an Integrated Building Management System consolidates all the data in a single platform. It fires up a centralized dashboard for your maintenance team to harness. From watching all the areas of the airport to sending automated notifications to them, it distills Airport management into well-streamlined processes.
Collaborative Internal Teams
One of the main challenges in airport maintenance is keeping the management team well-informed at all levels about their tasks and the areas that need their attention. A comprehensive Building Management System accomplishes this goal through automation and Mobile application for everyone on your team.
Automated Fault Management
Faults! Faults are unpredictable and often disrupt the functioning of an airport. From flight delays to keeping the maintenance teams busy, fault management is where everything begins!
Sounds relative? Well, a building management solution is a game changer here and automates every step in Fault management.
Predictive Maintenance
With leaps and bounds in AI and other potential tech-savvy tools for the aviation industry, predictive maintenance is no longer a complex process. And with a BMS Portal scanning your airport at all times, it will give you timely insights on streamlining maintenance procedures.
These are only a faint leap into how Integrated Building Management Systems can change the future of airport management.
Spritle’s Tale:
How We Integrated a Holistic BMS Portal for Asia’s Largest Airport?
So, we at Spritle love walking into innovative quests in technology integration. What’s fascinating here is how we started our journey into crafting IBMS solutions!
We began our expedition into Integrated Building Management by customizing a comprehensive IBMS solution for South Asia’s largest airport.
Our solution, in this case, brought the task records of all the airport managemental teams into one centralized platform and gave real-time updates on all the systems and sub-systems involved in building maintenance. Some of the striking achievements we achieved out of implementing our IBMS Solution in South Asia’s largest airport are as follows:
– A Centralized Dashboard for Maintenance teams
– Mobile Application to monitor and track everything that happens within the airport premises
– Automated Ticket Management for resolving thousands of faults that get reported every day
– Well-established connectivity between IoT sensors in the airport and much more!
So, with expertise beyond 15 years, our IBMS solutions are cost-effective and have the provision to customize according to your needs.
Read more about our story here: Integrated Building Management System In Airport
With the future forecast for the aviation industry leaning more towards Integrated Building Management Systems, taking a tech-savvy approach to troubleshooting all your common issues in Airport management will bring more productivity and efficiency to your airport. That said, don’t forget to include us in your step towards efficient airport management.
Thanks for sharing this amazing post with us. very much informative and well described post it was.